UV weathering test chamber |
Hits:1435 AddTime:2024/5/18 16:50:20 |
The UV weathering test chamber uses the fluorescent ultraviolet light of a UV lamp as the light source to simulate and enhance the UV spectrum that has the most significant impact on the degradation of polymer materials. It also combines temperature and humidity control appropriately to cause periodic condensation on the sample, thus conducting accelerated aging simulation tests on coatings, oil films, paints, resins, plastics, printing and packaging, adhesives, automotive industry, metals, electronics, pharmaceuticals and other products. Through experiments, long-term outdoor aging effects can be quickly predicted, such as fading, discoloration, powdering, cracking, embrittlement, strength reduction, and other phenomena. It can help people to make accurate correlation prediction on the aging resistance (weather resistance) of materials, and help to screen materials and improve the formula.
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