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Motor type test and test system, shipped to Colombia, South America.
 Hits:10253 AddTime:2020/10/9 16:37:58
Motor type test and test system, shipped to Colombia, South America.
This set of products conforms to the European test standard IEC 60034-2-1, and can mainly measure the input current, voltage, power factor, electric power of the motor; the torque, speed, power and efficiency of the motor output. Equipped with the testing software independently developed by Lanling Technology, it can perform various tests on the motor (no load, full load, locked rotor, etc.).
Lanmec Technology pursues excellence, makes domestic products and creates world brands!

Lanmec official website: m.gdlb-packing.com, welcome to inquire! Global consultation hotline: 400-111-3688!

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