0.1N.m hysteresis dynamometer, 6N.m/15N.m hysteresis brake, Slovenian customer feedback application |
Hits:6379 AddTime:2022/5/5 8:22:00 |
0.1N.m hysteresis dynamometer, 6N.m/15N.m hysteresis brake, Slovenian customer feedback application satisfaction! Hysteresis dynamometer and hysteresis brake are mainly suitable for low torque, high speed (up to tens of thousands of revolutions) loading test occasions, and are suitable for performance test of low power and high speed power machinery. Equipped with torque, speed and power acquisition instrument, which can measure torque, rotational speed, and power, supporting loading controller, which can be manually loaded, and supporting Lanmec Technology loading test software, which can realize automatic loading, data collection and storage, etc. Welcome to visit Lanmec's official website to learn more about our products m.gdlb-packing.com, hotline: 400-111-3688!
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