20kN. m slewing reducer test bench, delivered to Jiangsu |
Hits:3992 AddTime:2022/8/26 16:23:32 |
20kN. m slewing reducer test bench, delivered to Jiangsu! This type of test bench can be used to test the orthogonal shaft reducer. It is mainly used to test the input of the reducer (torque, speed, input power); Output (torque, speed, output power); Efficiency; Temperature rise, vibration, noise, etc. Install the reducer test software independently developed by Lanling Technology, which can conduct the type test and factory test of the reducer, accurately test the performance of the reducer, and provide accurate parameter basis for the R&D, production, maintenance and field application of the reducer. "Your satisfaction is our constant pursuit"! Lanmec Technology is worthy of your trust! Lanmec Technology official website: m.gdlb-packing.com, welcome to inquire! Global hotline: 400-111-3688!
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hotline: 400-111-3688